Pebble Progress Bars


This tutorial is not final.
This warning will be removed when completely validated.

Important Notes:

Pebble Progress Bar Example

      lore: |-
        &8&m       &a&l<Requires>&8&m       
        &8- &eAccrued §d{{rank.req('xp-levelh').total}}&e Levels
        &8- &d¤{{rank.req('money').total | money}}&e payment
        {% set requirement = rank.req('money') %}
        {% set size = 10 %}
        {% set Lcolor = "&d" %}
        {% set Rcolor = "&3" %}
        {% set Lbar = "|" %}
        {% set Rbar = "|" %}
        {% set bar = "" %}
        {% for i in range(1, size * requirement.quotient) %}{% set bar = bar + Lbar %}{% endfor %}
        {% set bar = Lcolor + bar %}
        {% if requirement.done == false %}
        {% set bar = bar + Rcolor %}
        {% for i in range(1, size * (1 - requirement.quotient)) %}{% set bar = bar + Rbar %}{% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        &8- &eProgress &8[{{bar}}&8]


  1. Start with the lore: tag within any of the three rankup stages in the ranksgui:.
    • Note: this can also be used in the subsections of the list: if using text for /ranks.
  2. Add | for simple and readable multi-line text in your file.
  3. Prepare your rankup step's description with formatting like &8&m &a&l<Requires>&8&m
  4. Incorporate additional lines for other requirements.
  5. Insert the pebble templating before wherever the progress bar goes.


        {% set requirement = rank.req('money') %}
        {% set size = 10 %}
        {% set Lcolor = "&d" %}
        {% set Rcolor = "&3" %}
        {% set Lbar = "|" %}
        {% set Rbar = "|" %}
        {% set bar = "" %}
        {% for i in range(1, size * requirement.quotient) %}{% set bar = bar + Lbar %}{% endfor %}
        {% set bar = Lcolor + bar %}
        {% if requirement.done == false %}
        {% set bar = bar + Rcolor %}
        {% for i in range(1, size * (1 - requirement.quotient)) %}{% set bar = bar + Rbar %}{% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
  1. This templating will create a {{bar}} placeholder which can be used after the final line of the template.
  2. Put formatting around the bar like:
        &8- &eProgress &8[{{bar}}&8]


        {% set requirement = rank.req('money') %}
        {% set size = 10 %}
        {% set Lcolor = "&d" %}
        {% set Rcolor = "&3" %}
        {% set Lbar = "|" %}
        {% set Rbar = "|" %}
  • Change the requirement to get a different requirement's progress.
    • Example: rank.req('xplevelh')
    • Note: No requirement suffix like .total, .progress, or .quotient should be used. Output is already handled.
  • Increase or decrease the size to expand or shrink the progress bar.
  • Edit the color codes in Lcolor and Rcolor to your liking.
  • Use different Lbar and Rbar to alter the progress bar's left and right text segments.